Monday, May 28, 2007


Why Should You and Your Kids Attend Dinner with the Killer Whales?
It’s an Experience None of You Will Forget

Every time the photos of the killer whales pop up on my computer screen, it reminds me of the exact reasons we went to dine with Sea World’s orcas in San Diego.
It’s expensive– especially when you have to pay the entrance fee first. But in my book and all the children that went with us, it was one of those cherished waves of lifetime experiences that’s hard to flip.
After all, how often can you say that you dined right next door – and side by side with killer whales. ?
This isn’t really worth writing about. Photos tell the tale of the tail more than I ever could. And that’s no fluking.
Go dine with the beasts.
For dinner, tickets are $35 for ages ten and up and $19 for ages three to nine. Breakfasting with the whales costs $24 for ages 10 and up and $10 for ages three to nine.
Under three for either outing is free.
Entrance fees to a day in the park are $57 for ten and up and $47 for ages 3-nine.

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