Computer Doc Bob Hutchins Can Fix Almost Any Computer or Make Your Internet Child Friendly; He Entered Our Lives When Troubles Began Appearing on Our PC;
We’ve Used His Expertise Ever Since to Fix Our Techi Difficulties
Dear Readers:
There aren’t too many Dr. Bobs who will come to your home, work on your computer, clean it up and take care of the madness that technology inflicts on the rest of us who are still so primitive we have yet to master calculators.
I have asked Dr. Bob, who carries a little black bag everywhere he goes, to share an occasional column with my readers to see if he can keep us from getting into the thick of a computer soup mess by using some diligent daily rules.
Also, he can fix glitches from the smallest to the largest – and those that are too huge, he will take the computer home to work on. He charges $55 an hour and tries to contain the expenses for his customers, which makes him worth every penny. Diana
Here are “three little tips” from Dr. Bob to keep your computer from turning into a mess:
· --Turn your computer off every night because it’s wasteful. Then you are rebooting it every day, which can clear up potential problems and give it a fresh start.
· --If your computer is stuck or frozen – or even refusing to boot or shut down – unplug the power connector for roughly one minute, then plug it in again. This typically helps to keep it from remaining locked up.
· --If you have a Broadband connection through a cable or DSL modem and you have a router, you may lose internet connectivity because the two devices have lost synchronization. The way to fix this is as follows: Shut down the computer, disconnect the power from the modem and router, wait about 20 seconds, then re-connect the power plug to the modem first.
Wait until all the lights stop flashing and go solid. Then plug the router in. Last, turn the computer back on. If you do it in this sequence, they will work properly together again.
To reach Dr. Bob, call310-547-0663 or email him at: Robert.hutchins@cox.net