San Pedro
High Students Tell Their Stories Through Writing
I will be
running a few pieces here and there that San Pedro High students wrote in an
English class when I gave a Seven Golden Secrets to Writing (c) workshop. Many thanks to English Teacher Al Alvarez-
Estrada who allowed me to work with his students.
Some of
these articles detail their sufferings, others wrote humorous or witty works.
I would say
this: I found a lot of potential writers in this class, -- Diana
Walk Down the Street
With My Brother
By Jackie
Walk down
the street with my brother at my side. We talk on our way about everything
going on. It's been awhile since we've talked like this. Brother is almost
never around. He's either with the homies or sleeping at home from being out too
late at night.
We stop
talking to the sound of tires screeching. Suddenly, I'm on the floor with Brother
on top of me holding me down. People are screaming. I peep from under Brother
and watch as people are running.
Okay. Stay down. It's okay," I hear Brother repeat to me over and over
I hear
sirens in the distance coming closer and closer. I feel Brother's weight on me
and I can no longer hear shots being fired. I try to tell him that he can get
up now, but he can't hear me anymore.
My eyes
water and I tell myself that everything's going to be fine, that's there's
nothing to worry about. I feel Brother
being lifted up from on top of me. I'm being lifted up and I feel someone
holding me, but I'm not seeing or hearing anything.
There's only
one thing in sight: Brother. What will mother think and father? They always
loved Brother more than me. They only
could see the good in him, never the bad.
I can see why they love Brother. Brother was a
good, loveable person. And now he's gone, his smile is gone, the way his eyes
gleamed when he laughed. Gone. The only thing left is his memory.
I can't go
back home. Brother was my protector. He saved me from so much. He was my
family. I break from the hold on me -- and run.
I run and
when I get tired, I keep running. It's getting darker and I stop on the street
I've never been on.
where are you?" I hear a voice from the distance. I look for the owner but
it's too dark to see, but I can vaguely see a silhouette of a young man. He
looks familiar. I try to find his face, but can't. He comes closer and I can now see who it is.