San Pedro Chamber Awards Given out to Those Who Truly Deserve It When It Comes To Helping Kids and Their Communities
Leslie Jones and Mona Sutton,owners of the Omelette & Waffle Shop, hold their recognitions recently awarded from the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce. Steve Kleinjan, right, who founded Clean San Pedro sits outside during a break.
Good News and Kudos Came in the Month of June to Those Who Help Their Community and Kids
By Diana L. Chapman
One local eatery and the non-profit group, Clean San Pedro, received awards from the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce this past month for their diligence, dedication and devotion to help their communities. They get kudos from me for their efforts to help kids!Owners of the Omelette & Waffle Shop, Leslie Jones and Mona Sutton, won the restaurant of the year award and Clean San Pedro founder, Steve Kleinjan, received the leadership award. Anthony Santich, the chair of the chamber’s board of directors, said he was proud to present the award for the year for the restaurant owner’s endless efforts to clean up the homelessness and graffiti along the Gaffey Corridor. (Mona is the block captain for the Gaffey Street Watch,) The owners have provided a safe haven for students as they leave school and head home and have even broken up fights.“They see the Omelette and Waffle Shop as a vehicle to spread all of the positive that’s going on and they see themselves as a conduit to connect people with information and introductions over a cup of coffee,” the chairman told dozens of folks who attended the event.From my point of view, they fight for the underdog – kids who are often prey to other students. Threatened students can use the restaurant as a place to escape and seek help.Steve, who began Clean San Pedro with a group of hard core volunteers who religiously donate their time to the clean up efforts, started the organization five years ago when he “got tired of the declining conditions and the lack of maintenance of many parts of San Pedro,” the chairman said.Under his organization, Steve has pulled together monthly clean-ups across San Pedro, bought tools, vehicles and other items necessary to make San Pedro an even cleaner and safer town.For children, Steve’s team has cleaned up several schools, but next year he plans to do some schools where he will help students will become the primary clean up leaders on their own campuses – under the auspices of Clean San Pedro.You go Steve!All I can say: thanks to both groups for providing a safer and clear environment for the kids of San Pedro.
Labels: Chamber Awards to those who help the community and kids