What Adults Want from Kids & A Series of GREAT Happenings in Town; A Spiritual Festival, An Amazing Teacher’s Retirement and Don’t Forget Bark & Boo
What Adults Want From Kids
For about eight years now, I’ve worked closely with students of all ages. Elementary, junior high and high school. Adults tell me constantly what they need and want from kids.
The list goes something like this:
- Kids should give adults respect.
- Kids should be polite and cordial.
- Kids should listen.
What Kids Want From Adults:
- Adults should give kids respect.
- Adults should be polite and cordial.
- Adults should listen.
- A Tearful Goodbye to a Longtime Educator Who Helped Hundreds of Students Stretching Across the Generations; She Celebrates her Retirement Friday at Bandini Elementary School
A goodbye celebration for Jackie Terry – a longtime educator who led an endless array of tiny tots in education and marched them off on a sound path to kindergarten – will be hosted at Bandini Elementary School Friday.
Hundreds of children grew through Jackie’s doors where she taught them both academics and social skills while preparing them to sit down in kindergarten classes and learn how to learn in a federally funded program, which included parenting classes.
She decided to retire at the end of the last school year -- but not in time for employess there to celebrate her years of dedication..
Jackie's known for teaching two generations of families for more than three decades, coming from a wide section of the Harbor Area. Parents and students alike honor her to this day for what she did for children.
Her retirement celebration will be held at 4 p.m. on Friday (Sept. 21) in Bandini’s Cafeteria. Meals will cost $8 per person and will include three tacos, rice, beans, chips and a drink. Please RSVP to Gabriel or Julie Martinez at Bandini elementary school (310) 832-4593.
As my son was one of the lucky kids to go through Jackie’s program, I’ll be there – and I hope I will see you there too! Bring your kids. – Diana Chapman
Don’t Forget the Light at the Lighthouse Music Festival: A Christian Festival For Families – and Kids -- and Anyone Who Wants to Join
By Christine Fisch
This Saturday, September 22nd will be one day your kids will be unable to say, "”I'm bored . There's nothing for us to do.”"
With the efforts of about fifteen local churches, business owners, volunteers and Councilwoman Janice Hahn, Point Fermin Park will host the third annual Light at the Lighthouse Music Festival. There will literally be entertainment and activities planned for not only adult , but for children at every age level.
Music is the main focus of the festival which takes place from10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and is provided on three separate stages. The main stage being the park's band shell hosts well-polished worship (rock) bands from local churches, four nationally known Christian rock groups and the coveted Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Choir.
We will also be treated to The Cambodian Children's Choir, a group of orphans on an international tour. The second stage is dedicated to the youth in the park.
Christian music comes in more forms than you can imagine, most of which you can witness at the second stage. There's rock, rap, punk, gospel and combinations of all of the above. It's a high energy situation which can likely end in a mosh pit configuration (albeit a very well mannered mosh pit.) With names like Church of Rock, Civilian Noise and Munk Funk you can imagine what kind of positive energy these kids are emitting. It is really incredible to watch these pre-teens and teens as they groove to so many different music genres and display a genuine enjoyment and respect for each other.
The third stage located in the "kids area" is directed towards young children and families. There will be acts by children's choirs and dance groups, puppet shows and even a mime team. In the kids area you will also find a jumper, face painting, crafts, story time, temporary tattoos and games.
Booths and vendors will include food, crafts and jewelry for sell. Churches and many not-for profit agencies will be there with information on their organization and to answer any questions you may have.
The event is free.
It's a day for all of San Pedro families to hang out at one the most beautiful locations in San Pedro while listening to some top-notch musical performances, and perhaps for once avoid the comment "there's nothing for us to do." For more information on the event visit http://www.lightatthelighthouse.org/
BOO & BARK AT White Point Nature Preserve; Let’s Have a Haunting Celebration and BARK Along With the Dogs
Get out those skeleton pens. Bring out your pumpkin calendars! And start marking the date to celebrate at the Bark & Boo Halloween Party at White Point Nature Preserve.
The party will be held Sunday, Oct.28 from 2 to 5 p.m. and will include such scary screeches as a costume parade, kids’ crafts , game booths and a Halloween raffle. Best of all, there will be prizes for those dogs dressed as the funniest, scariest and “the best look alike” spooky costumes. Entry per dog is $10 . All dogs must be on a leash and judging will begin at 3 p.m.
Look for more information about this on the blog. Hosted by the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy, call for more information at (310) 541-7613 or visit www.pvplc.org.