Amy Epperhart, author of Lullaby, and Noe Preciado, whose essay helps him into university
As a former staff writer for the Daily Breeze and the San Diego Union-Tribune newspapers -- and a contributor to the best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul books, Diana Chapman has covered the issues peoplefind important. In this blog, she focuses on the community programs and resources that benefit children and teens. Also visit her blog: http://www.secretlifeinmybackyard.blogspot.com. You can email her at hartchap@cox.net @
Money Pours in from a San Pedro Family Who Lost Their 4-Year-Old, Paige Marquez, to a Tumor to Pay for Christian’s Service Costs and to Aid the Family in Need
“Everything lives and everything’s dead. There are no colors just shades of light. Dancing and flying out into space where everything is endless and has no beginning.
Words don’t exist. Laughter and love is the language. Music is the voice. Shadows exist and light shines bright. This place I’m describing is the dream state. Come along for the Trip…” -- Excerpt from Christian Sthelik’s 2008 poem, entitled “The Dream State.”
By Diana L. Chapman
After battling cancer for nearly three years, Christian Stehlik , 16, left behind powerful memorial of his own -- pages upon pages of poetry reflecting on leaping between the shadows of life and death.
His dad found notebooks filled with poetry, some of which will be read at his ceremony to celebrate the life of a young man, who was often shy and retiring, and who seemed years beyond his age.
With often an edgy-style, the writings brink on the border of truism, fears, anger amongst a burst of love and trust braided throughout his work.
A lover of marine science and Bob Dylan, the teenager will be honored at the place where he spent countless hours -- at The Cabrillo Marine Aquarium on Sunday, May 31.
He struggled to go back to school as a freshman and enrolled in San Pedro High School’s marine magnet.
Because Christian volunteered for several years tending to gardens and the aquatic nursery – the aquarium staff will help host a memorial celebration of his life in the John Olguin Auditorium at 5:30 p.m.
Due to the financial issues the family faces, another San Pedro family – who lost their own child, Paige Marquez, 4, to a brain tumor donated more than $1,000 for Christian’s cremation.
Paige’s parents started a foundation, the Paige Marquez Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation, when they lost their daughter in July 2005, from a rare, typically fatal brain tumor. The family used money they had raised from the foundation, but went ever further asking other relatives and employees if they would help as well.
It seems the children became linked, not by their lives, but by their deaths and their arduous battles to stay alive – especially for their loved ones.
Christian’s father, Pete, asks that those who feel comfortable doing so, to come adorned in 1960s style clothes – an era that energized the youth as he battled neuroblastoma, a cancer that infiltrates the glands and the nerve tissues before creating tumors in the body.
He wore colorful tie-dyed shirts, gave the peace sign to other students while in high school and always smiled – despite the frequent and tormenting hospitalizations for weeks at a time where he underwent a chemotherapy, blood transfusions and radiation treatments.
In addition, Pete made it clear that Christian many times asked him to quit rushing around and that both of them should slow down and enjoy life.
Several of his friends are expected to wear vibrant tie-dyed shirts to his ceremony, at the encouragement of his father. One of them, named Shadow, wrote to thank him for teaching her to respect the Earth and to quit littering.
The youth recorded his many reflections in pages of poetry, that showered the lines with his discouragement, his anger, his love and his fight with death.
In “Let Me Live Before I Die,” he asked for the freedom to explore life on his own without being forced to learn from other’s mistakes:
“Let me live before I die…
Let me learn from my own mistakes
Not cower in the shadows of yours
Let me live before die
Let me feel cold rain on my face
Let me scream into the sky
Let me leap
From hill to hill
Let me fly up into the sky
Let me live before I die.”
In his piece, the Shadow of Death, he wrote:
The shadow of death
Is trying to take me
It is knocking on my door
But it will not take me
Once I was close; I almost let it in
But I was saved, Once gain
It will try
But I’m not answering
And it doesn’t know why
It keeps a-knocking
I keep a-walking
Farther from the door
My heart is still beating
My blood is still pumping
Death will not take me
One day maybe
After life’s weary path
I’ll finally open
The door that had been locked
And I’ll breath in deeply
The sweet smell of heaven
No longer a shadow.
The father asks that donations be made to the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium to honor his son, where he hopes a small memorial plaque will be installed. Checks should be made to the aquarium with Christian Sthelik’s name and sent to 3720 Stephen M. White Drive, San Pedro, 90731.
Christian is survived by his father, sister, Rhea, mother, Wendy, and step-brother, Alex.
Dear Readers: A small group of kids meet at the local Corner Store on Wednesday's after school -- to do something extraordinary. They spend an hour writing and creating stories. Here is one of the student's stories. In addition, please don't miss the letter to the Underdogblog below to remind readers that yes, some good things do happen at San Pedro High. Diana
--------------------Pie and His Chicks----------------------------
By Keli Mezin, 9, Park Western Avenue Elementary School
One foggy day a bird named Pie needed to feed his chicks. But it was so darn foggy. It was about to rain and his chicks were incredibly hungry. They hadn’t eaten in three whole days, not even a crumb.
Pie is a single Dad and has been single since the flood that happened in 1958, less than a year back. So, he can’t leave his chicks without protection for long. He would have to be fast.
“Little chicks,” he chirped.
“What?” said Billy, annoyed.
“Wait a second, Billy. Nicole and Carson, get off the branch and come in the nest immediately!!”
“Ok, Ok," they mumbled as they jumped from
branch to branch.
“What Dad?,” Nicole, Carson and Billy twittered in high voices.
“I guess we could all handle it,” they said, but really not too sure how they would do without their father. But, by the time they were all decided they could handle it, Pie was off and away.
Pie was very frightened it would start raining or his chicks might get eaten or even fall out of their nest. Pie shook his head and quietly said to himself, ‘No need to worry. It won’t rain. The chicks will be just fine.’
But soon…………it started raining, then pouring and finally, thundering.
Pie still had no food. He quickly flew under a big mushroom and started thinking: "What are Billy, Nicole and Carson going to think? That I betrayed them?" A little voice from inside his head said: “The chicks are fine."
He believed his head. I mean his head is him. After 5 hours the rain completely stopped. Pie got out from under the mushroom tiredly and saw a rainbow. He thought and thought until…………………………….: Maybe there is a food at the end of the rainbow.
He flew to the end of the rainbow and there was actually food. There was a big pot filled with worms and bugs. He took as much as he could handle and off he flew.
“Hmmmmm, I wonder where Dad is? Billy questioned.
“Oh, he’s probably on his way,” Nicole and Carson teased Billy for being nervous.
“I’m hungry," Billy cried!!!
Some sort of feather touched Billy’s wing. Billy turned around and there was Dad, with tons of food.
“We knew you’d come”, the chicks said, hugging Pie.
“Well, that’s what I said I would do,” Pie said happily.
San Pedro High Grandmother Writes About Some Good Experiences at the School
“Just remember that death is not the end.” – Bob Dylan
By Diana L. Chapman
When the second phone call came from his father, I knew Christian Stehlik had left our small world here on Earth. Pete would always wait patiently until I returned his calls.
This time, he didn’t.
Christian, a sometimes shy, pensive, 16-year-old boy, died May 13 at about 2:30 p.m. after a lengthy, arduous battle with neuroblastoma. That’s the name for a cancer that hits the adrenal glands or tissues in the nervous system, often causing tumors and working its way through the body. Typically, it strikes young children between 2 and 5, but older youth occasionally get it. About 650 children in the U.S. are diagnosed annually.
Christian was 13 when he learned why he was constantly tired and losing weight.
The combination of the disease and treatments rocked him back and forth between poor and better health almost daily. Nonetheless, he overcame a gauntlet that included radiation and chemotherapy and returned to school late in his freshman year.
He joined the marine magnet program at San Pedro High, and continued to volunteer whenever possible at the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium, where he had worked for years to observe the aquarium’s nursery and tend to the aquarium's outdoor garden. When people would ask how he was feeling, he told nearly everyone he was “good”—even when he was not.
He did all that between horrendous bouts of chemotherapy, hospital stays for weeks at a time, blood transfusions and even a trip to San Francisco, where he remained in a room for a week undergoing radiation therapy. While Pete literally roomed with Christian during the long hospital stays, his sister, Rhea, 13, stayed with her mother or family friends.
When he finally returned to school, Christian became electrified by the 1960s. He wore bell-bottom pants, let his hair grow even longer and listened to Bob Dylan’s music. Other students asked him about his dress and he'd quickly gave the peace sign.
"It was a persona he developed and he came home one day and said: "I'm the school hippie." He loved it. It was his new persona and he got a lot of positive attention from it," his father explained.
His teachers often concluded that he was an older man with plenty of wisdom living in a younger body. When I met him two years ago on a student field trip to Yosemite Valley, that soon became clear. One day while hiking in the lush meadows, he grew tired and asked if he could return to his cabin.
He sat in bed staring out the window and writing, describing how robust the squirrels were, how the branches danced in wind and wondered what the constant chatter between the crows and jays was about, wishing he knew their language.
As I commiserated with his father on the phone, I said: “I’m so sorry, Pete. I thought Christian had so much to offer the world.”
“But he gave it to the world,” Pete reminded me when I should have been reminding him. He believed he would become part of everything when he died, Pete explained, and that he was a gentle teacher and reminder that people should take care of Earth and volunteer whenever possible.
When they first learned of his cancer, teachers, students and parents at Dana Middle School, where he attended, had several small fundraisers to help the family pay the bills.
A memorial will be held at the Cabrillo aquarium, where Christian would want his friends to join him to celebrate his life.
He is survived by his father, Pete, his sister, Rhea, his mother, Wendy, and his stepbrother, Alex.
The Newly Revamped Cemetery Will Be Unveiled May 23; I Call Them Dorothy's Dogs
By Diana L. Chapman
There are times in my life that I wish there were more people around like Dorothy Matich and Florence Kleinjan.
These are the type of gals, who go after something, work harder than horses, and then they get it. Because of those two local heroes, when Dorothy decided that something must be done about the shameful vandalism of the historic canine cemetery, the two women mounted a small campaign, and raised more than $30,000 dollars.
The sweet and nostalgic graveyard – now with an iron-arch overlooking it called K-9 Commandos and two iron-forged German shepherds standing guard, sprung back to life after years of destruction and neglect at Fort MacArthur Historic Reservation.
The dogs, Dorothy explains, were trained to protect us at the former military site during The Cold War – and later most had to be killed for that training. The military contended they couldn’t become family pets.
They will be at peace at last in a respectful shady area at Angel’s
Because of the two women, the newly refreshed, repaired and now gated dog cemetery (which includes one cat) and a three foot border of Palos Verdes stone will be unveiled to the public at
I can’t help myself. I applaud their efforts. If there were more folks like this in the world, we’d have a lot less desecration and a lot more beauty and serenity in our lives.
“I just love to come look at it,” marveled Dorothy as she walked around the cemetery, graced with a beautiful Eucalyptus on its border. “It’s been such an asset to our museum and when people walk around they are so impressed with it.”
When I got my sneak preview, the only thing I could say was how much I felt at peace in this tiny, sacred spot. When creatures and humans die to save us – they deserve at least this.
Canines such as Lance and Barron, who both died by the age of 12, Peter, 7, and Jack, 11, are buried there.
But years of vandalism, stealing, and disrepair, left dogs like Cheetah and the rest out in a grassy space in cold, disrespect. Other dogs from the next generations left their dumps on the graveyard.
Many of the dogs’ plaques were stolen or destroyed. To make matters worse, the fence around the cemetery had collapsed.
As most us of us living here already know, a lot of muscle has to be flexed to get any projects through massive bureaucracy of
But between the two women and the museum director, Steven Nelson, it was done after three years of hard work.
Visitor and museum volunteer, David Reid, comes down from
“Look at this sitting here,” David said with wonder. “There isn’t an equivalent around that you know of. These are forgotten dogs and the dogs suffered a lot – for us.”
The Students, However, Still Will Shine Like Bright Stars in the Future and Are by Far the Politest He’s Ever Known – Despite All the School’s Turmoil
By Diana L. Chapman
After a disheartening year of lessons – from
A replacement will be selected for Robert DiPietro’s post, through
The typical hiring practices in the past, including the formation of a hiring committee, will be blocked due to recent layoffs, which have left many administrative directors without jobs – but gives them seniority to return to head up schools.
“I happen to know a person who will do a really great job,” Del Cueto explained. “I have somebody in mind and I have to take them because of “return rights,” which are part of the education code.
“Bob is such a professional that he will work 100 percent until his last day on June 30th, so it will be seamless,” Del Cueto explained.
In fact, DiPietro said he will work without pay after June 30 to help ensure that the changeover works.
At this time, the new principal will not be named officially, until the hiring has been approved, Del Cueto explained.
DiPietro’s upcoming departure has stunned some community members who hoped he would stay aboard and guide what seems to be a rudderless ship, a situation he inherited when he climbed aboard in Aug. 2007.
“He always put the kids first,” declared Richard Vladovic, an LAUSD board member in charge of the region from San Pedro sweeping through the Harbor area and up to
The sudden death of DiPietro's robust 89-year-old father came as a surprise, but the principal explained it was something that inevitably he should have expected since his father was the sole caretaker of his mother, who has Alzheimer's. The couple lived in
When he learned of his death, DiPietro raced home to arrange for nursing care for his mother, and realized that the job of dismantling his father’s assets was overwhelming. Since he is the only child, he plans to move back to the
Death haunted him much earlier in his life, when his wife, then 45, died of cancer. He never remarried.
From the moment DiPietro arrived, the San Pedro campus was saddled with troubles, including a school that had swollen to 3,500 students, when it was made for no more than 2,000. DiPietro inherited some other nasty problems, besides an over population of students. The school’s accreditation now remains borderline, and a new state report revealed that more students were dropping out from high schools in general than originally predicted, including San Pedro High.
That fails to mention looming layoffs in the current dismal economy.
“This is a particularly bad time because there’s a lot more ambiguities,” DiPietro, 61, agreed. “But I remain very positive for the school. I feel really good about the kids. I’ve never met a group of children who are so polite.”
His mood late Wednesday after
He joined the district later in life, after holding jobs in
Changing to a different course, DiPietro went into education, beginning his first job as a teacher at
His first full time principal post was at San Pedro High.
The principal believes the accreditation at the school will fare well as soon as teachers accept a new practice to ensure that they engage their students in valuable lessons, rather than working with them in a more traditional way.
For example, he said, he began to teach again to learn the impacts from a coach on student engagement and was impressed with the “thinking skills” the coach required of his students, meaning they were encouraged to participate in discussions and find the answers.
By Diana L. Chapman
After a short, strenuous, stressful, painful and straining stint, San Pedro High School Principal Robert DiPietro announced he will leave the campus shrouded with issues, such as overcrowding and borderline accreditation problems.
He took over the leadership reins in Aug. 17, 2007, and will finish June 30, 2009.
Family crises took a toll in his short time at the port school, nestled in Los Angeles Harbor, where he attempted to salvage an entrenched campus with 3,500 students and bring it back to performance level it should be at -- much higher than it was scoring when tests results became the same as many inner-city high schools.
However, his father died last year and his mother has no one to care for her. DiPietro told school officials that he would return to
Due to the late night notice, he could not be reached for comment. Other school officials could not be reached for comment either.
His leadership, however, was fraught with turmoil, much of which he inherited when he accepted the raucous post – believing he could make a difference.
An except from a profile he wrote about the school, shows some of the issues that broiled over into his newly-acquired post: “The San Pedro High campus built in 1936 as part of the Work Progress Administration was constructed to service 1,400 students. Today we service approximately 3,600 students encompassing all three of the high schools. The 3,100 students attending the regular school are served by seven counselors for a student /counselor ratio of 500-1.
“One college counselor serves the 3,600 students combined from the three schools.”
DiPietro recently held a meeting with Linda Del Cueto, who is in charge of the
Despite a heated exchange from parents at the meeting, DiPietro and Del Cueto listened, saying later the parents needed a chance to vent over issues that have been building for years, such as the lack of teacher cooperation, their failure to return phone calls and emails from parents – and leaving parents out of their child’s education.
When parents asked why teachers who were obviously not qualified to teach continued to do so, DiPietro reminded them that due to the unions, to remove a teacher takes a minimum of at least three years.
Earlier, the principal had indicated that his personal life weighed a great strain on him – and was taking its toll, much less adding the responsibility of some 3,500 students.
The exact date of his departure was not clarified, and whether the district is search for a new administrator has not been revealed yet.
By Diana L. Chapman
For the last several years, I’ve searched everywhere in the city of
Otherwise, I have yet to find one, no matter how hard I’ve dug.
Certainly, my hopes have been repeatedly shattered each time I spot another city politician, living like a spider in a cave polishing and shimmying up for one thing – themselves and their political futures.
But in the metropolis of Los Angeles, where lives are at stake every single day, no time remains for selfishness and photo ops when so many innocent people, including children, are dying in our streets.
When hard-core attorney, Carmen “Nuch” Trutanich, a former district attorney who handled case after case of gang crimes, from murders to drug dealing, I began to wonder if we at last, perhaps, have found a true leader who might make a monumental difference.
As a district attorney his record shows a rock hard attorney, who fought for the heart of what he truly believed. He jailed rapists, nailed environmental polluters and focused heavily on gang activities.
If he wins the Los Angeles city attorney post May 19, against the longtime council incumbent Jack Weiss, we are at last send a disparaging – and important -- message to our overbearing city leaders that we are burned out on their “what’s-in-it-for-me leadership.”
The city’s streets are filled with blood, it seems to me, because our city leaders fail repeatedly to address our gang issues in a way that is realistic; it’s only political. The mayor’s new gang initiative carved out only seven areas of the city with the worst gang activities. He then drew out all the funding from the surrounding communities.
That still leaves me baffled.
Doesn’t the mayor and our gang czar understand that this action allows gangs to flourish in the areas he left in the dirt? While I tried for a personal interview recently with Trutanich, who was born and raised in San Pedro, and now lives in
I was able, however, to grill Jane Ellison Usher, who headed the Los Angeles Planning Commission for three years until she became hopelessly disillusioned with the sad woes and chaos of city politics. She resigned. That in itself is telling.
What’s more telling is this: she spotted the same warrior grit and determination that I’m seeing in “Nuch.” She offered her services – freely -- and has ever since been guiding his campaign, against Weiss, who has a lot more money and the backing of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.
But that hasn’t stopped Trutanich from some floating some powerful, side punches – and despite only having perhaps half the money in the ring compared to Weiss – he’s stood firm in gaining ground first in the run-off. My intuition tells me his chances of winning are huge, especially after he racked up endorsement after endorsement from many of the city’s big league media moguls and police officials.
Plus, people are weary of gutless leaders and are soul-searching for one who is not.
Because my blog focuses on kids, my main concern, right up front was this: What will Trutanich do to save our kids – all our kids? While I was watching a documentary of the Lost Boys of the
We fail them every single day in so many ways it’s shameful.
Usher politely walked me through Trutanich’s intense obligation to ferret out gang members for punishment and yet, to salvage those who still stand a stalwart chance of turning their lives around -- starting with middle school children.
“He thinks our failure with gangs as a society stems from the misguided idea that we can arrest our way out of the problem. We have shortchanged kids,” Usher explained.
Touche! Ole! Someone gets this – because it’s the blinding truth.
He believes, she continued, that middle schools especially need to be targeted to catch kids from running amok before they get to high school (AMEN! I’ve been saying that for three years) and that changing school curriculum to spike up students interest becomes a must!
Wow, just some plain old common sense!
He also understands, she said, the necessity of realizing the
Even more interesting; he wants to prevent younger gangsters, who have a first-time offense, from landing in prison where they get the best instructions on how to become a better gangster, called “Lock-Up Gangster Lessons 101.” For those first time offenders, he wants to work out a choice between prison or joining the military.
Humm…this is beginning to sound interesting.
I’m just ready for someone who speaks the truth, has ethics, and who will not just save us, but will save our kids. Give this new warrior a chance, because God knows, we need him.
For more Trutanich information, visit: http://www.tru09.com.
By Diana L. Chapman
My friend e-mailed recently that our town needs to hold a Boston Tea Party – San Pedro style -- after reading my article suggesting a revolt against Los Angeles.
Why not? We’ve got the water! We’ve got ships! I’m sure we can find some imported tea – as can – many other Los Angeles communities, find their own path to a tea party revolt! We need to.
With past failed attempts to secede -- I dream what San Pedro might be without the handcuffs of our bureaucratic beast – as I’m sure many of us do who live in all sorts of ignored pockets of the city. The recently increased downtown parking fees here which quadrupled – and elsewhere -ignited a fury of frustration for many residents especially those – who tried mostly in vain – to make our town a better place.
Instead, we get band-aid fixes, projects that make no sense, such as a million welcome park at the northern tip of Gaffey – that no one can get to, a $14 million water fountain along the boardwalk to nowhere and a red car system –stunning – but again, off track to provide much transit in its 1.5 mile stretch.
Where is the big picture? What if Los Angeles allowed all our neighborhood councils to pull together a vision for them? If this was so or we were our own community, I bet the following would already exist in San Pedro and I’d like you to e-mail me with the list that your own community would have at hartchap@cox.net. This is what we would have here, some really common sense approaches to running a community: Oops. Did I say that word: "Common sense?" Here we go:
· --A downtown parking structure for shoppers complete with ways to use ATM cards and – allowing local businesses to validate for its customers.
· --An overhauled, gorgeously manicured, money-making Ports O’ Call, revamped to bring in hordes of tourists and a place we are not embarrassed to take our friends. (This on again, off again project, is off again due to budget cuts. It’s been left to languish for more than ten years.)
· --A mini-transit system that links all our parks, museums, schools and shopping centers for residents, not to mention carrying tourists to our many jewels that aren’t possible to get to without a car, such as Angel’s Gate’s Korean Bell and Point Fermin Park.
· --A youth aquatic center near 22nd Street that would support teaching
kayaking, fishing, sailing, rowing and other marine related sports to our children – a request longtime mariner Bill Schopp has pressed for and has received no support from City Hall.
· --A permanent home for the-trouble plagued Eastview Little League, which serves 600 children (temporarily or maybe not so temporarily currently housed at Knoll Hill).
· --A skateboard park erected by the city officials– and not the youth, who out of frustration, built their own under a freeway ramp for the hip sport.
· --A small farm – complete with goats – in Peck Park to teach our children about domesticated animals, a vision Ray Patricio, a longtime resident, has lobbied for for more than 10 years – and something residents encouraged – but the city of Los Angeles does not. Does it matter what we want?
· --A dog park that’s in a permanent location. After residents poured thousands of dollars of their own money and years to acquire a temporary location to create one here in San Pedro, the dog park deserves respect – and a permanent home, if not two homes.
· --A sparkling clean Cabrillo Beach in which a boathouse – petitioned for by residents Gary Dwight and Allan Johnson –serves beach goers to rent boats and play off our local waters – as the two residents did when they were boys.
· --A maritime-themed walkway finished, polished and a glittering gem from the entrance of our cruise lines, including a walkway that goes into downtown, and snakes its way to the end of Paseo del Mar (rather than a few rambling pieces done like a hop scotch board – with no completion date.)
· --A community in which the development has some type of theme, such as a maritime or aquatic theme adopted at potential business developments, instead of rag-tag shops up and down our major corridors.
· --A balance of open parklands and sports fields for organized sports and pick up games to keep children off the streets – instead of not having enough of either – making the locals fight amongst ourselves for remaining scraps.
The list is endless. I’m sure you could add a dozen more projects and I apologize for those I missed.
Yes, I’m dreaming. The city will never free us because of the money the port generates and brings to Los Angeles’ coffers.
I say: Let’s give them the port. And in addition, we can sing Bon Voyage and give them plenty of strong Harbor tasting tea!
Diana L. Chapman was a newspaper journalist for 15 years with the Daily Breeze and the San Diego Union. She can be reached hartchap@cox.net or visit her blog at: http://www.theunderdogforkids.blogspot.com