Last year's winning UNICEF card. This year, it could be your kid!
Two things I'd like to ask of you. First, I'd love your help by going to the recently added "blog follower site "in the left hand corner where it says blog buddies and sign in there. The reason for this is I'm constantly asked how many readers I have, and truthfully, being an ignoramus when it comes to computers, I still haven't been able to figure it out -- although people tell me they are reading it constantly.
This is one of the few San Pedro outlets these days, with the closing of our More San Pedro newspaper, so please visit:
http://www.theunderdogforkids.blogspot.com/ and sign up as a "buddy." You do not have to use your real name or add your picture. I'd really appreciate this as I do not get paid for this community service -- but believe it's a must for our region.
Also, take a look at this remarkable, local fundraiser:Last year, I had the time of my life attending this event. What was the most fun was the cake auction. Many of the military wives concocted the most remarkable looking cakes – cakes like I’ve never seen before, some towering as high as wedding cakes – and some looking like the leaning tower of Pisa.
Cakes started out at low rates during the auction, say like $30 a pop, but as the evening wore on and the cakes kept coming out and were paraded around, the prices went up. Someone paid $300 for a cake last year.
If you want to have fun, attend this frosting-filled event by filling out the information below. You won’t regret it. Plus, you help kids!
Please print this page and return with full payment to reserve your meal. Pre-payment is mandatory and due by March 6, 2009. Send payment (payable to LA AFSC) to LAAFSC / PO Box 2175 / San Pedro, CA 90731
Los Angeles Air Force Spouses’ Club
13th Annual Auction for Education
“Hooray For Hollywood”
Friday, 20 March 09
6pm – 10pm
$20/per person for dinner
Buffet begins at 7pm
Chicken Piccatta: sauteed chicken breast w/lemon caper white wine sauce
served with chef’s choice of vegetables
** vegetarian option available upon request **
(denote option by placing a VEG by the name below)
Number in party: ____________
Name(s): _______________________________
Child care is available for this event
Parents Night Out is open at the youth center for children Kindergartners over the age of 5 and above. Please contact Pat at the youth center to reserve your spot. 310-653-8383
We also have a group of red cross certified babysitters available to watch younger children (and any age siblings). Reservations can be made by contacting Cindy Horejsi.
boohoocindylou@yahoo.com 310-987-1697
This is a private organization. It is not a part of the DOD or any of its components and it has no governmental status. AFI34-223 / 10
HOW ABOUT THIS FUN ART CONTEST -- A COLLABORATION WITH UNICEF AND PIER 1; SEE TOP PHOTO OF LAST YEAR's WINNERU.S. Fund for UNICEF announces call for entries for annual greeting card contest with Pier 1 Imports..Children ages 14 and under invited to submit designsNEW YORK (January 30, 2009) — The U.S. Fund for UNICEF announced today the call for entries for its annual Pier 1 greeting card contest, in which a child’s winning design is turned into an official UNICEF greeting card, sold exclusively at Pier 1 Imports stores across the country during the 2009 holiday season.
One hundred percent of the proceeds from the sale of this, as well as all UNICEF cards sold at Pier 1, go to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF to help in its mission to decrease the number of preventable childhood deaths from 25,000 each day to zero.
The contest, open to children ages 14 and under, begins next week on February 1 and runs through March 6, with the winner announced in April. This year’s theme is "Joy to the World."
In addition to having their design turned into a greeting card, the winner will receive a grand prize $5,000 scholarship, along with $500 worth of art supplies for their school.
New this year is a “People’s Choice Award,” in which visitors to the
Pier 1 website can vote on their favorite design from April 1 to 15. The “People’s Choice” winner will receive $500 worth of art supplies.
Entry forms are available in all Pier 1 Imports stores nationwide while supplies last, online at
pier1.com and
unicefusa.org, or by calling Pier 1’s Customer Relations Department at 1.800.245.4595.
All entries must be hand-drawn and received by Pier 1 Imports’ Corporate Headquarters by March 6, 2009. The children’s artwork will be judged on artistic quality and creative interpretation of the theme “Joy to the World.”
The 2008 contest marked a second win for the Kao family of Roseville, CA with younger brother Wesley designing a card featuring five snowmen and snowwomen holding on to a string of lights. The previous year, Wesley’s sister Josephine was one of two winners for her design of colorful candy canes striped with flags from around the world.
The card contest started in 1992 as a way to help raise awareness among U.S. school children about UNICEF’s important work and has inspired kids from coast to coast to use their creative talents in a meaningful way. This year’s contest marks 24 years of a partnership between the specialty home furnishings retailer and the international children’s organization. Pier 1 started selling UNICEF greeting cards in 1985 and is now the world’s largest retailer of UNICEF greeting cards, having raised over $26 million for UNICEF.
Funds from the sale of cards support UNICEF programs that provide lifesaving medicines, vaccines, nutritious foods, primary education, clean water and sanitation and emergency relief for millions of children and women in 156 countries and territories.
About UNICEF or more than 60 years, UNICEF has been the world’s leading international children’s organization, working in over 150 countries to address the ongoing issues that affect why kids are dying.
UNICEF provides lifesaving nutrition, clean water, education, protection and emergency response saving more young lives than any other humanitarian organization in the world. While millions of children die every year of preventable causes like dehydration, upper respiratory infections and measles, UNICEF, with the support of partnering organizations and donors alike, has the global experience, resources and reach to give children the best hope of survival. For more information about UNICEF, please visit
About PIER 1 IMPORTS Pier 1 Imports, Inc. is the original global importer and is North America’s largest specialty retailer of imported decorative home furnishings and gifts. Information about the Company is available on
For more information, please contact:
Marci Greenberg, U.S. Fund for UNICEF Medi----Submitted by San Pedro resident Rori Roje
NEED A PROM DRESS: HERE IS ONE POSSIBILITY TO FIND THAT CLASSY FORMAL YOU NEED DURING THESE ROUGH ECONOMIC TIMESUnique Vintage is donating 20 prom dresses to young deserving girls across the nation so that they too can feel like the belle of the ball! In order to be selected as one our winners, please fill out our application and write a short essay on why you should be awarded a free prom dress from Unique Vintage. Please email all entries to
admin@unique-vintage.com or fax it to us at 818-953-5045. Deadline is March 30th. All chosen winners will be immediately notified and allowed to choose one dress up to $150, which we will ship to them free of charge. 10 dresses will be donated to winners around the nation (U.S. only) and 10 dresses will be donated to local students in our hometown city of Burbank, CA. -- Submitted by San Pedro resident Rori Roje