Dear Readers: Kim Kromas has been a long time chiropractor in San Pedro, who has helped me in many ways over the years. She is a chiropractor I trust, so I asked if she’d be willing to help parents by giving them tips on taking care of their children. This time, she explores childhood diabetes, now becoming a common illness among our youth.
By Kim Kromas, DC, Phd
Childhood diabetes is on the rise. This is not the type of Diabetes that you are born with, but the kind that arise from imbalances in our blood-sugar system.
It is the type of Diabetes that requires insulin only if it is not kept under control and until recently was most common in African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders as well as the aged population. To mange this, it requires proper foods and daily exercise.
Type 2 Diabetes is on the rise in our American Children. The cause is obesity. Let’s bravely admit the main reason for this obesity and avoid embarrassing excuses that have no merit. Obesity begins in the home and continues into social interactions as kids get older. Yes, there are the few that have an organic reason for the inability to lose weight, but this is a very low percentage of the population.
Our children are obese because we allow them to become obese and stay obese. This is a disgrace to our society. Where has our parental intervention gone? Aren’t we supposed to provide our children with the best tools for their future? Their health is their future. We are living in a time of intense scrutiny about our gluttonous country and a collapse of our health system. We live in an illness-driven society where monetary gain is made not only from diagnosing conditions such as diabetes, but from treating this illness on a long-term basis without a prognosis of cure.
What exactly happens in Type 2 Diabetes? Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. This is known as being insulin resistant. Insulin is necessary for the body to be able to use glucose for energy.
When you eat food, the body breaks down all of the sugars and starches into glucose, which is the basic fuel for the cells in the body. Insulin is released from the pancreas and takes the sugar from the blood into the cells. When glucose builds up in the blood instead of going into cells, it can cause these problems:
• Right away, your cells may be starved for energy.
• A state of hyperglycemia can occur, causing heart palpitations and even unconsciousness
• Over time, high blood glucose levels may hurt your eyes, kidneys, nerves or heart.
Remember, your child’s health is a great gift. Let’s focus on feeding them Brain Foods vs. Brain Weakening Foods. Here are some suggestions to guide you:
GetRidOfFoods -------Soda, sugared cereals, boxed and canned foods, cookies, pastries, potato chips, herbal teas
AnyTimeFoods--------Fresh fruits, raw or steamed vegetables, beans, rice, Kashi cereal, nuts, olives, yogurt, turkey and chicken slices, diluted juices
OccassionalFoods----------Red Meat, whole grain crackers, whole grain chips
MinimalFoods-----------butter, mayonnaise, real ice-cream, low sugar sweet
1. Drink lots of water each day.
2. Only eat 1/2 of a sandwich at a time. Eat the other half later that day.
3. Eat every 2-3 hours in small amounts.
4. Eat only what could fit in the palm of your hand.
Type 2 diabetes requires exercise. Buy your child a jump rope. It is inexpensive and really fun to use. They can start by jumping 10 minutes 2x/day. Your local parks will have resources for swimming lessons, soccer teams and other sports activities that will help maintain a blood-sugar level that will benefit your child.
And remember, it is common for Type 2 Diabetes to create high blood pressure, high cholesterol, digestive problems and lack of concentration. You are the teacher and the model for your child. Teach them to eat right, exercise and to cherish the only body they will be given.
To reach Kim Kromas for further information, call 310-832-5818. Her office is at
302 W. 5th St. #101 San Pedro , CA.